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ComTechX Cloud Capital Chamber of Economies Cloudfunding CloudfundMe Buyers Crowd Sellers P2P Groups Places SignUp DeCom Markets GPEUN LED - Hubs RingLink SODA GOMTX Economic Engine FEV UDC DFDC Smart Contracts PriceDemand UDI Cloudfunding Main St |
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Cloudfunding seamlessly merges Offline to Online | ||||||||
Cloudfunding is an online economic ecosystem sitting above global commerce - it merges brick & mortar inventories with online commerce, supporting local sellers. Cloudfunding dynamics seamlessly shift products and services from offline to online by commoditizing the economic value in the 'idle inventories' waiting to be sold. A global network of users (market makers) opt-in to help monetize inventories at full selling prices - selling is automated - giving buyers the chance to pay affordable prices - this aggregate demand is redirected back to monetize new inventories. Digital advertising is reengineered to monetize online commerce as a secure neutral international trading unit of economic value - always tradable between buyers and sellers, while constantly compared and liquidated with local sovereign currencies. Cloudfunding provides the missing economic infrastructure for the Internet - in Web3 |
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How it works | ||||||||
Local SME inventories hold unlimited collateral, more than enough to back local economic growth, world wide! The banking system has ignored SMEs and their inventory's local economic value, for its true value! . . that local economic value is now being tapped as collateral to back global productivity! . . it's the real economy's universally backed productivity that's controlled by local communities! |
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It's so simple for sellers to use | ||||||||
with | No Fees | |||||||
No Commissions | ||||||||
No Advertising costs | ||||||||
No Contracts | ||||||||
No Currency Spreads | ||||||||
No more Market Places taking profits | ||||||||
No more Payment Provider charges | ||||||||
Just a simple process of adding a photo, full selling price and description! | ||||||||
There's a new domain now - where SMEs can safely isolate with a competitive advantage! | ||||||||
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Every Zip and Post Code can be a DAE - decentralized autonomous economy | ||||||||
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Cloudfunding - opens up a new domain between sellers and buyers | ||||||||
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Seller - Inventories Outsourced Selling Smart Contracts Buyer - Price Demand Seller Liquidity | ||||||||
Distribution of Economic Value - Crowd Consensus - Guaranteed full selling prices - Cascading buying prices - Liquidity Seller / Buyer | ||||||||
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. . a domain where new capital flows are validated by the aggregated demand of real productivity! | ||||||||
. . where buyers and sellers compete in productivity-based local economies, without adding debt! | ||||||||
Cloudfunding ( Cloudalism ) is a protocol that allows true economic value to be tapped, collateralized, distributed and validated as a ubiquitous flow of economic capital, moving permissionlessly between economies and users - individually joining a global consensus in governing the economic value and velocity of local productivity across global economies - just as communication and information move along protocols on top of the internet with TCP/IP and HTTP. |
" . . it's all about the real economy, not the currency!" | ||||||||
For decades sovereign fiat currencies have been subject to inflationary periods that devalue the buying power of consumers Cloudfunding offers a way of finding an equilibrium between supply and demand without all the collateral damage - counters the cycles of inflation that harm consumers with the cost of living, and deflation that harms business profits. |
Cloudfunding is Web3 - and it's different! | ||||||||
. . it's decentralized commerce ( DeCom ) | ||||||||
Cloudfunding is DeCom | ||||||||
" Cloudfunding does for modern economies in tokenizing the local economic value . . as what the invent of coinage did for commerce and trade in ancient times! " |
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" Now, local economic value is universally issued, owned and governed by the people, for the people . . to fully monetize productivity across global commerce and trade! " |
Global Economic Inequality | ||||||||
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. . from coffee growers to cafes . . fruit growers to stores . . milk farmers to stores . . hotels to travelers . . restaurants to guests . . fuel suppliers to drivers | ||||||||
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Cloudfunding ( Cloudalism ) is a productivity-based economic ecosystem that sits above B2B B2C and D2C marketplaces - with a neutral economic infrastructure Cloudfunding is the economic infrastructure of the new economy that's been defined to interconnect local economies and users along a global public utility network Cloudfunding directly monetizes the inventory of Sellers with a neutral international economic trading unit of account - establishing Free Open Market Economic Zones . . this international economic trading system fills the void left vacant since the 1980s when finance replaced real Productivity as the prime stimulus of world economies Productivity is shifted to the leading catalyst in a direct economic stimulus mechanism that drives local economies by providing genuine incentives for buyers and sellers With no credit or debt involved - Cloudfunding opens up a new frontier with a democratic ecosystem that uses the international trading unit as free working capital. Cloudfunding provides the Internet's missing economic infrastructure - reversing Advertising's monetization model and redirecting the value towards the global Users The distribution of the free working capital is structured within the RingLink technology that links economy to economy to form the new level of e2eCommerce In the background Cloudfunding separates the supply side from the demand side in two separate open markets where incentives can be implemented . . to stimulate activity in the trading of products and services from seller to buyers. Users generate economic stimulus directly into local economies via a democratic process that fully monetizes the inventory and provides new income streams to Users . . free working capital changes the dynamics of Supply and Demand - exponentially scaling global inventories into true digital trading values in the New Economy. Outsourced Selling monetizes a Seller's inventory, while Subliminal Organic Advertising uses economies of scale to ensure sales are predictable with Price Demand. |
Digital Advertising targets users - Subliminal Advertising sells inventory Cloudfunding serves as a catalyst for validating the trading unit of account in local commercial exchanges, effectively digitizing local cash and creating a secure, trackable system for exchanging goods and services online. This technology enables the seamless flow of commerce across borders and local currencies, liminating traditional payment barriers and exchange fees. By digitizing local cash, Cloudfunding ensures that commercial exchanges between buyers and sellers are securely validated, while keeping the value within the local economy. This approach fosters a thriving local economy, as commerce and trade flow freely, stimulating economic growth and productivity. Cloudfunding's impact extends beyond local borders, as it eliminates barriers between economies, enabling the secure exchange of genuine value across global locations of productivity. The platform operates in a new paradigm, transcending traditional B2B and B2C models, and instead, operates from economy to economy, facilitating e2eCommerce and universally decentralized capital. At its core, Cloudfunding is a comprehensive platform that provides the necessary mechanics for the economic infrastructure to operate. Each location within the Global Chamber of Economies is structured as a standalone, independent entity, capable of leveraging the platform to stimulate local economic growth. These entities are equipped with tools that enable real-time adjustments to productivity, using innovative solutions such as LED - Local Economic Distribution Hubs. Cloudfunding does not create new money, but rather, it digitally aligns with local currencies, perpetually stimulating the flow of economic value through a neutral capital mechanism. This approach is guided by a decentralized and democratic consensus, focused on increasing economic growth in local economies. By harnessing productivity as the leading catalyst, Cloudfunding fosters a new economic paradigm that is controlled by a community-driven consensus, ultimately driving economic prosperity and growth. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Cloudfunding SME | ||||||||
SMEs, are you tired of Marketplaces taking your profits? | ||||||||
Main Street SMEs can now take back control, so profits stay local! | ||||||||
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SMEs can now go direct to consumers (D2C) with Cloudfunding! | ||||||||
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Cloudfunding solves the Digital Economy's missing economic infrastructure value Cloudfunding is the long-awaited economic infrastructure of the Internet, driving global growth and enabling the elimination of poverty and unaffordability in the Digital Era. By leveling the playing fields for individuals and economies, Cloudfunding unlocks the full potential of commerce, allowing many to participate and thrive in global markets. Cloudfunding is an autonomous, cloud-based ecosystem platform that transforms digital advertising into a valuable economic asset. By commodifying and validating the dynamics of digital advertising, Cloudfunding creates a new revenue stream for the early players of the Internet, while reversing the traditional model of paid advertising. Instead of a seller paying for ad exposure, the value of display actions is now recognized as a commodity, freely available to global users to collect as working capital. This innovation disrupts commerce's marketing dynamics by exponentially and perpetually commodifying digital advertising's mechanics on a global scale. Cloudfunding leverages algorithmic fractional economics to create a friction-free, neutral trading unit of account, distributed globally and ubiquitously, and seamlessly tracked internationally. This new digital asset class value is termed as Free Economic Value, solving the conundrum of the missing economic infrastructure value backing the New Digital Economy. Cloudfunding has given rise to a debt-free, autonomous, and ubiquitous river of gold, freely distributed to the global crowd. This democratization of economic value ensures that true productivity governs the binary value, driving the world's economic growth in the 21st Century. By making the promise of the World Wide Web a reality, Cloudfunding guarantees that everyone will be included in the Digital Age, unlocking the full potential of human innovation and creativity. In essence, Cloudfunding is the key to unlocking the full potential of the Digital Era, providing a sustainable and equitable economic growth model that benefits everyone. By harnessing the power of digital advertising and algorithmic economics, Cloudfunding has created a new economic paradigm that is truly fit for the 21st Century. Cloudfunding gives the Internet its ubiquitous financial freedom The New Economy is the digital transformation of global trade and commerce, harnessing the power of technology to facilitate the free flow of value across borders. At its core, it represents a digitization of the commercial flow of value, much like the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDR) initiative. However, unlike the SDR, which is a restricted, artificially created currency with no inherent value, the New Digital Economy's approach is rooted in the validation of genuine global productivity. The IMF's SDR was created as a potential replacement for the US dollar and gold, allowing IMF member countries to draw down and exchange the SDR to balance trade surpluses and deficits. While the SDR has been used to facilitate international trade, its limited use and lack of intrinsic value have hindered its effectiveness. In contrast, the New Digital Economy's use of Cloudfunding and DFDC (Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital) offers a more inclusive and democratized approach to global trade. By validating the Free Economic Value against genuine global productivity, the New Digital Economy enables the SDR-like system to be used globally, without the constraints of being a restricted currency. This allows for the full democratization of trade, as businesses and individuals can access and operate with a neutral international trading unit of account value in real-time, within the context of real economies. The implications of this approach are profound. By removing the incumbents and opening up global economies to free, open markets, the New Digital Economy creates a seamless, interconnecting flow of value that is universally accessible. This enables countries and people around the world to control and operate with real-time, within the real economies, fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous global community. |
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![]() Where Banking created global economic growth using fractional reserve banking to multiply money so as to expand credit and global debt, Cloudfunding applies fractional economics which validates local productivity and free working capital so as to perpetually incentivize debt free global growth. Cloudfunding forms defendable local economic hubs ( FOMEZ ) that exponentially scale global economic growth with advanced computer technology, whereas Banking in the Old Economy has been limited to printing money, and applying rates and credit as monetary policies and tools for growth. |
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Cloudfunding streamlines the New Economy to be more digitally efficient The Cloudfunding ecosystem combines both the financial and economic environments in the New Digital Economy with Commerce and Technology ( ComTechX Industry ) - while most advances in digital technology have either seen the disruption of existing industries or there's been an easy transition to digital. The different pace for these digital transitions has been a great benefit for some industries but for some like the financial services industry, having the early advantage ultimately lead to the GFC and highlighted the systemic failures in the way the Old Economy was structured for the Digital Era. To avoid such failures, a new paradigm was needed - even to start fully digitizing the world's financial and economic infrastructure, a step back in history was taken to retrace the events that lead us to the edge of a global meltdown in the financial and world economies - that step back in history found a unique moment in time when there were two different options proposed that would set the way trade and finance would operate around the world for the next 70 years. The two proposals stood out like a fork in the road, where both offered two different directions and each with different sets of dynamics and outcomes - the chosen direction lead us to the recent GFC - it's the other proposal not chosen that Cloudfunding has found to be so aligned with, it was how a neutral unit of account value could be used to track and balance the assets and liabilities in global trade. The advantage of hindsight and time, is that there has been an explosion of digital technology since that other proposal was first introduced back in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference - that discarded 'other proposal' is now able to be fully digitized as the Cloudfunding ecosystem infrastructure with technically advanced software and dynamics - streamlining the flow of Global Trade by removing unnecessary incumbents so Commerce can exponentially scale and bypass the old legacy systems, and bring a more genuine and equitable global outcome to trade and economies. Cloudfunding is an economic ecosystem combining strategies focused on generating sustainable Global Productivity It monetizes and incentivizes local trading activity with Outsourced Selling, with its own perpetual economic engine It provides complete industries with Seller controlled dynamics and predictable full Selling Prices and low Buying Prices Setting new rules and dynamics for exponential Global Commerce with real-time Price Demand - sell high, buy low prices Cloudfunding is able to bring real-time demand into all types of commerce with Price Demand and Cascading Buying Prices Outsourced Selling provides leverage from two distinct positions in the Supply Chains to take advantage of. For grassroots Suppliers - Seller Co-Operatives to the end Buyers - Buyer Co-Operatives - everyone is part of the Crowd A new frontier driven by a global workforce Cloudfunding generates defendable local economies from the inside out in free open market economic zones - FOMEZ Bringing with it a new frontier to Commerce with a global workforce capable of democratically driving Global Productivity With entire workforces threatened by automation, new productive and simple ( automated ) ways to earn incomes are needed 9 to 5 regimental jobs that built 20th Century economic growth will disappear - digital jobs that're directly productive will rise Open Market Makers - OMMs are market makers equipped with 21st Century globally distributed free working capital Economies of scale is the key to reaching the people - Subliminal Organic Advertising does that quietly in the background Individuals with access or no access to capital, now have a level playing field - businesses have access to free working capital |
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Cloudfunding steers clear of speculation It disrupts a number of industries that have sat idle in the early years of the Digital Era - waiting to be disrupted Cloudfunding disrupts Banking - by replacing credit with fully validated free working capital - Free Economic Value Cloudfunding disrupts Commerce - by reinventing global Advertising as free working capital - as a social influencer Cloudfunding redefines Economies - strategically focusing on defendable productivity in economies - Localization Cloudfunding redefines Markets - no longer is the middleman able to speculate - GOMTX offers social influence Cloudfunding offers a new paradigm ComTechX is the Industry merging Offline and Online Commerce into a SaaS Ecosystem, by decentralizing control Cloudfunding defines the boundaries for the Cashless World - economies will now scale and define the Digital Economy The Cashless World is fully autonomous, tapping into an unlimited natural resource to form a new medium of exchange Credit Cards have convinced people that digital value is real - Free Economic Value does it with true value, for real Unlike the value of digital credit - Free Economic Value is indelibly ( binary ) tied permanently to true Global Productivity Cloudfunding doesn't hold Cash - local Cash is validated and fully digitalized in real time by paying the value forward ![]() ![]() ![]() Cloudfunding is a paradigm shift in how Commerce operates with Free Economic Value - Cloudfunding is governed by true productivity value that is validated from genuine economic activity, quite the opposite to how Modern Banking operates before the economic activity using credit and debt, and is not governed or constrained by actual productivity values - Cloudfunding operates on a global scale with true resource values to drive global economic growth, without incurring debt. The change The change with how markets will begin to work, comes with how influence and digital value moves freely across borders Cloudfunding generates productivity by digitizing commerce's dynamics into an asset value that flows from economy to economy Local economies are stimulated by commercial actions of local Sellers drawing in free Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital - DFDC The effect of free foreign Capital flowing into a Seller's sales revenue raises the productivity in local economies in Supply Chains From a local or national economic perspective, Cloudfunding generates local sales tax revenue based on the full selling prices The borderless flow of this neutral global trading unit of account is encompassed within the Global Chamber of Economies From economy to economy, DFDC exponentially speeds up trade with Subliminal Organically Decentralized Advertising - SODA A new Digital Sales Division for businesses Businesses have been introduced to numerous analytic tools to run their business better - the Digital Sales Division is a free service where businesses can set strategies to collect FEV and set about using the free working capital to bid for deals, even their own products and services being processed with Outsourced Selling - DSD has features to keep track of inventory being processed and released for local Buyer to activate the Price Demand - the Digital Sales Division can be the Digital Sales interface for any business wanting to have an Online presence without needing a web site of their own - businesses with expansion in mind can use Free Direct Backing to gain support to achieve goals from people backing the venture without offering equity. ![]() The financial landscape will shift to a fully inclusive world Where business and personal financing relied on a Bank to judge the risk of giving a loan, Cloudfunding opens up the market for businesses and people to decide if they want the Free Economic Value - in Cloudfunding the risk of collecting FEV and using it in strategies in Outsourced Selling has only positive outcomes, the more participation then the more validation the User will get to do what they needed the value for - the collecting of FEV can be 24 hours a day and the bigger the enterprise the bigger the effort there will be in collecting the FEV - it will all evolve autonomously around the perpetual borderless global productivity and economies, and it will simply be called Cloudfunding. |
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Validation of Productivity is key Cloudfunding disrupts the traditional banking business model of the money supplier, with a Free Economic Value model As a service Cloudfunding is the method of using Cloudfunds as free working capital in strategies to bid and buy products Free Economic Value replaces costly loans and credit with free Cloudfunds that has no interest or needs to be repaid Cloudfunds are fully validated at the exchange of products and services after the completion of Outsourced Selling Cloudfunding has an unique process that converts the Ownership of the Cloudfunds to Digital Cash The transition of advertising, from being part of the mechanics of Commerce, to its distribution as Free Economic Value, and its validation as free working capital tied to genuine Global Productivity in the Supply and Demand of products and services, through to its final validation as a neutral global Digital Trading Cash - key to the ongoing perpetual flow of economic growth in the New Economy. Automatically flows into Universally Distributed Income ( UDI ) Portfolios With all commerce activity on the Platform each product and service that's processed with Outsourced Selling and Buying activity - it's linked back through to the Universally Distributed Income ( UDI ) Portfolios from where all Users can build a collection of Location Tokens and gain a share of the Location Activity Tax collected and distributed across all the global activity in real time. Cloudfunding turns Social Influence into Productivity With the world fast becoming connected, there are changes in how people are influenced by so much new information Some of this social influence, the driving force in advertising - is now validated as Social Capital - Cloudfunds As a value, Cloudfunds are non-transferable between Users, its function is, as a globally ubiquitous economic stimulator With Users collecting free Cloudfunds, they're permitted to collaborate with others to influence Outsourced Selling Cloudfunding monetizes vast volumes of hidden inventories of products and services with help from the Global Crowd. Industries in Global Markets are able to be digitally monetized from the grassroots all the way through the Supply Chains. Cloudfunding moves away from the closed market environments with a transparent global consensus for market pricing. Effectively from when inventory gets to the store to when the last item is sold, the time is shorted with Outsourced Selling. The length of inventory cycles with full price payments, in real time ( without terms ), means faster cycles can be made. |
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1. Sellers list their inventory of products and services at the full Selling Prices 2. Cloudfunds - the Free Economic Value - FEV is earned and collected simply by viewing QwickPics 3. The small value collected from the Seller's inventory is pooled as Cloudfunds by Users and used in bidding for items 4. It's free working capital that a Buyer can use to try and win deals, or use as one of the OMM business entities 5. Strategy is to add Cloudfunds for the majority of bids - UDC, the digital cash currency is added to 'stay alive' to try and win deals 6. Outsourced Selling - deals are won in the bidding process by a local Buyer or an OMM - deal value is collected and escrowed 7. Exchange of Product and Payment - if a local Buyer wins a Collection Code is released, if an OMM wins then Price Demand apply 8. When the Collection Code is presented to the Seller it releases the full Selling Price in exchange for the product, free of all fees |
"ComTechX directs its focus on both Supply and Demand to make a better engine to drive the economies - from the financing to the pricing and global payments, with sustainable incentives that benefit both sides of Supply and Demand in a way that each gains from the strength of the other - perpetually motivating society with Cloudfunding." |
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1. Cloudfunds - Free Economic Value is earned simply by viewing QwickPics, then using it as free working capital 2. UDC - digital cash is a neutral trading currency that is constantly compared with global currency values 3. Outsourced Selling - provides the incentive to generate commercial productivity without fees or adding debt 4. Global Payments - the exchange of value to complete borderless, ubiquitous commerce, free of all fees 5. Products and services are exchanged at sustainable high selling prices and low buying prices, simultaneously |
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Monetizing inventories at full Selling Prices confirms Cloudfunding as a high volume and high value global marketplace. Unlike Banking that relies on old fragmented systems, Cloudfunding tracks the neutral commerce trading cash globally. Secures real time tracking of the financial standing of Global Citizen 'Ownership' - paramount for the Cashless World. Cloudfunding is a complete real time Commerce platform - it's an accountable ecosystem built for the Digital Era. Cloudfunding introduces Outsourced Selling to Global Commerce - bringing predictability to selling for any size Seller. Cloudfunding brings a sophisticated form of Commerce that's perpetually motivated to expand outward on a global scale. |
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Why the bidding? To make it 'fair and equal' for everyone everywhere to get the chance to win the deals. It's not the typical bidding where the person with the money wins, it's now based on pre-set strategies Cloudfunds is the Unit Value and Cloudfunding is the activity of setting strategies with the free Cloudfunds Using Cloudfunds is about setting strategies to win products and services, it saves adding bids from your pocket Cloudfunding is a key to Outsourced Selling - it's predictive selling for whatever size inventory is listed by sellers Cloudfunds are earned for free, there's no interest or fees to be paid and never needs to be paid back, ever! Cloudfunding is not investing in a Seller or products, it's maximizing technology to close the inequality gap Cloudfunds value is gained by reinventing Advertising and validating it as an asset-backed value ( currency ) Advertising focuses on selling one product - Outsourced Selling focuses on selling the full inventory listed Free Advertising is applied to the full quantity of Units listed to be sold, not just the selling of a brand |
![]() Check out a Deal using Cloudfunds $100 'Selling Price' and max pre-set $20 'Buying Price' |
Cloudfunding is the use of 'free working capital' - it's Social Capital The world works differently now with global connectivity, that closeness has created a new way to influence It's social influence and it can now be quantified and validated as Social Capital - termed as Cloudfunds Having access to free working capital on a global scale, will change the lives of countless numbers As jobs change, having a digital job generating productivity will be as important as physical productivity The productive effect that an individual can have on a local economy by being a Cloudfunder, is immense Earning Cloudfunds is free by viewing QwickPics either on the QwickPic site or on QwickPic Ready sites As Cloudfunds are earned they'll continue to accumulate, they're primarily for Deal strategies. Strategies used in Deals does have a self correction process that can reduce or increase Cloudfunds. Cloudfunds can also be used for buying certain products and services like with Content and Utilities Real time productivity at the local level where growth can be concentrated, is 21st Century's Localization The Platform has a fully autonomous SaaS architecture that's structured to form the ComTechX Industry As technology and automation take jobs, Cloudfunding is the type of job that will keep people in control Cloudfunding provides productive jobs where they didn't exist before, fills job losses, solves youth jobless, gives aging populations alternative incomes to dwindling or non-existing government retirement schemes - yet it solves complex economic constraints with economies of scale and 'algorithmic economics'. . . it's free to earn, has no costs, and never needs to be paid back, ever! Direct Targeting What's unique with Cloudfunding is that the activity using Cloudfunds can be applied by Users to target specific Industries or Businesses in Locations to generate sales, drawing value into the local economy. As product sales are confirmed at the product exchange time, only then are Cloudfunds validated to use. The validation provides the genuine productivity which flows through to the Global Productivity Grid. Targeted activity - even Users working with Free Direct Backing to get behind a Business, are protected Locations are added to Portfolios to gain an aggregate of productivity by all the Location's businesses. Direct targeting at locations is seen as being pro-active in getting behind the generating of productivity. Cloudfunding is simple in it's connection to reach the Crowd, engagement can be via mobile or desktop. It's all done without releasing private details to others - the Digital Era can operate without losing privacy Earning Cloudfunds isn't about getting eyeballs to look at QwickPics, it can all be done passively, - it's about making the effort simple to earn Free Economic Value. Cloudfunding is key to the distribution of a global wealth tax, an intrinsic value of true global productivity Regardless how technology effects the world, it'll still be controlled by the costs in Supply and Demand. |
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Cloudfunds - Free Economic Value Cloudfunds can scale for sellers and buyers | ||||||||
Advertising starts a new life | ||||||||
How Cloudfunds are earned How does The Monetizing Moment work with Cloudfunds? | ||||||||
How to use Cloudfunds | ||||||||
How the bidding process works! What is Cloudfunding and how does it work? | ||||||||
Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals Cloudfunding generates Price Demand - digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world What's The Monetizing Moment? Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd? |
![]() As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies! see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' : Global Cloud Productivity Wherever your Location is - you are not alone! |
Join the Crowd that's going to get it right - get updates about the coming launch! | ||||||||
Claim a Zip or Post Code for naming rights to a local economy | ||||||||
Expression of interest are open for SMEs, seller groups, shopping precincts and co-ops etc in the Queen Bee loyalty program. | ||||||||
Want to know about FOMEZ? | ![]() |
- buyers who can join together in buyer co-ops, families or individuals - everyone can benefit from cascading buying prices | ||||||||
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